Saturday, April 11, 2009


Sung Choi’s resume in street fashion could not be gained with a diploma or a degree. As one of the partners in the early nineties New York brand known as PNB, Sung contributed to the spark that would ignite independent streetwear into a full-blown backdraft. Sung was also an early driving force in the indie footwear market when he introduced Clae back in 2001. As common as a boutique shoe label is today, that wasn’t the case when Clae started. Things didn’t work out according to the master plan, and the brand has been In hiatus before boldly relaunching in the last twelve months or so. Fusing athletic and casual, Clae has blazed the middle ground between shoe and sneaker, and doesn’t sacrifice style for comfort. With consumer sentiment beginning to turn to the mature side of the moon, Clae would appear to be well primed to dominate...


During the first launch of Clae in 2001, you didn’t have many peers at the independent shoe level. What was the reason for the first launch of Clae and has that reason changed with the reintroduction?Clae was created to bridge the gap between sneakers and shoes by creating versatile footwear with style and comfort. That mission hasn’t changed. We want to keep making shoes that feel new and refreshing to that consumer who’s burned out and continue to expand on our vision of modern footwear.

Who are you talking to with your designs?
Young, old and everyone in between. People looking for our combination of style, comfort and versatility in a straight-forward good pair of shoes. We are a product-driven company, filling the void between sneakers and shoes. I know that I personally need shoes that are versatile, that can carry you from day to night without sacrificing style or comfort. Clae is here to address the changing times of menswear, I think Clae is where footwear is going for this generation and beyond.


If you had to sum up what design meant to you, what would it be?Design is more or less, solving a problem.


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